By no means is this the perfect preparation to doing a sprint triathlon. This is just what I did. What I think is special about this program design is that I ran my 2 businesses, celebrated a few fun holidays, enjoyed plenty of “cheat meals”, traveled a bit, strength trained regularly and even switched from a traditional gym to a CrossFit gym 2 weeks out – without going crazy, getting too stressed out, or stressing anyone else out in the process.
A healthy life is about balancing your goals with your priorities.
All that being said, I still got an “advanced triathlete” timing, finishing at 1:22:59 for my first one. It’s not elite, but that swim was waaaaaay freaking harder than we expected (and back to the pool I go).
So, I would recommend doing more swimming training than I did if you want to excel at that portion, but for the rest, we crushed it!
Here is some info on me to give you context and help with comparison for your prep:
- 185 lbs
- 9% body fat
- Absolutely horrible swimmer that sinks and didn’t learn until we started training for this
- Exceptional biker because my leg strength but I never got on a road bike until this program
- Experienced runner that suffers with chronic distal plantar fasciitis in both feet – with a 7:45 to 8-minute mile averages for single 5K’s
Step 1:
Find a few triathlon’s about 10 weeks from now and commit to doing one of them mentally
Step 2:
Find a buddy crazy enough to do it with you that is about your fitness level that you can train with most of the time (but if you can’t, move onto Step 3 either way)
Step 3:
Choose a race, pay for it, and tell people about it so you are verbally and publicly committed. Shoot, make an Instagram post about it
Side note: I take all 1 st
Phorm supplements and 90% of what I eat is Superfit Foods (about 4 meals per day), the rest of the time – I am eating pizza, burgers, tacos or sushi. Message me for more information on my diet and/or supplement plan!
Training start date:
Monday, March 4, 2019
Triathlon date:
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Week 1: March 4 to March 10
- Monday – CHEST DAY for 1 hour / Bike 8 miles
- Tuesday – BACK DAY for 1 hour / 20 Minutes HIIT
- Wednesday – ARMS for 1 hour / Run 2 miles
- Thursday – SHOULDERS for 1 hour / Pullup and Pushup 10-1 latter
- Friday – LEGS for 1 hour
- Saturday – Faith and Fitness beach workout
/ Bike 12 miles
- Sunday – REST
Week 2: March 11 to March 17
- Monday – CHEST DAY for 1 hour / Bike 8 miles
- Tuesday – Swim 500M in the AM / BACK DAY for 1 hour / 20 Minutes HIIT
- Wednesday – ARMS for 1 hour / Run 2 miles
- Thursday – Swim 500M in the AM / SHOULDERS for 1 hour / Pullup & Pushup 10-1 latter
- Friday – LEGS for 1 hour
- Saturday – Bike 6 miles / run 2 miles
- Sunday – REST
Week 3: March 18 to March 24
- Monday – CHEST DAY for 1 hour / Bike 8 miles
- Tuesday – Swim 500M in the AM / BACK DAY for 1 hour / 20 Minutes HIIT
- Wednesday – ARMS for 1 hour / Run 2 miles
- Thursday – SHOULDERS for 1 hour / Pullup & Pushup 10-1 latter
- Friday – LEGS for 1 hour
- Saturday – REST
- Sunday – We did a Spartan Race
in North Florida
Week 4: March 25 to March 31
- Monday – CHEST DAY
- Tuesday – Swim 500M in the AM / BACK DAY / Bike 10 miles
- Wednesday – ARMS for 1 hour / Run 2 miles
- Thursday – Swim 250M in the PM / SHOULDERS for 1 hour
- Friday – LEGS / Bike 8 miles
- Saturday – REST
- Sunday – Bike 12 miles
Week 5: April 1 to April 7
- Monday – CHEST DAY for 1 hour / Bike 8 miles
- Tuesday – Swim 500M in the AM / BACK DAY for 1 hour / 20 Minutes HIIT
- Wednesday – CHURCH/REST
- Thursday – SHOULDERS, ARMS for 1 hour / Pullup & Pushup 10-1 latter
- Friday – LEGS for 1 hours
- Saturday – Bike 15 miles
- Sunday – REST
Week 6: April 8 to April 14
- Monday – CHEST DAY for 1 hour / Bike 8 miles
- Tuesday – Swim 500M in the AM / BACK DAY for 1 hour / 20 Minutes HIIT
- Wednesday – ARMS for 1 hour / Run 2 miles
- Thursday – SHOULDERS for 1 hour / Pullup & Pushup 10-1 latter
- Friday – LEGS for 1 hour
- Saturday – We ran a 5K on the beach (called Never Quit
- Sunday – REST
Week 7: April 15 to April 21
- Monday – CHEST DAY for 1 hour / Bike 6 miles
- Tuesday – Swim 500M in the AM / BACK DAY for 1 hour / 20 Minutes HIIT
- Wednesday – ARMS for 1 hour / Run 2 miles
- Thursday – SHOULDERS for 1 hour / Pullup & Pushup 10-1 latter
- Friday – LEGS for 1 hour / run 1 mile
- Saturday – Faith and Fitness
beach work out / 6 mile bike
- Sunday – REST
Week 8: April 22 to April 28
- Monday – CHEST for 1 hour / 10 min HIIT work out
- Tuesday – BACK for 1 hour / bike 8 miles at 15-18 mph
- Wednesday – ARMS for 1 hour / 10 min HIIT work out
- Thursday – SHOULDERS for 1 hour / swim for 500M at LA Fitness
- Friday – REST DAY while I was in Atlanta with friends
- Saturday – REST DAY while I was in Atlanta with friends
- Sunday – REST DAY while I was in Atlanta with friends
- Monday – Crossfit WOD / 3-mile bike
- Tuesday – Crossfit WOD / 3-mile bike
- Wednesday – Crossfit WOD / 3-mile bike
- Thursday – Crossfit WOD / 3-mile bike
- Friday – Crossfit WOD / 3-mile bike
- Saturday – Faith & Fitness
group beach workout (30 minute HIIT)
- Sunday – REST DAY until Game of Thrones, then we made tacos, drank a few cervezas and watched history get made (I would have gone out and celebrated Cinco if it wasn’t raining all day)
- Monday – Crossfit WOD / 3-mile bike
- Tuesday – Crossfit WOD / 3-mile bike
- Wednesday – Crossfit WOD / 3-mile bike
- Thursday – 6-mile leisure ride at 15-18 mph
- Friday – OFF DAY
- Saturday – CRUSHED THE TRI
! Then napped and celebrated in the streets of Savannah, GA with good food and great drinks
- Sunday – Church in Savannah, traveled back to jax