Our meals range from $6.85 to $9.75 per meal based on which meal plan, how many meals you purchase and your diet (Vegan, Vegetarian, Pescatarian are a $1-$2 upcharges)
Meals are delivered on Mondays or Thursdays by 4 PM. You’ll be enrolled in our texting software and receive a text upon delivery. Please make sure your pick up location is open by checking their hours on the Locations page!
Yes, if you choose local delivery to the pick-up location, indicate which day you want all meals delivered (Monday or Thursday)
Meals are shipped (with dry ice) on Monday and will arrive between Tuesday and Wednesday based on your location.
Log into your account and select “Deactivate Meal Plan” if you wish to cancel completely. Please note this will take a week to go into effect.
If you want to add Skip Days, you login to your account and select the tab “Skip Days”. If you want to Pause your account, you login to your account and select the tab “Subscriptions”
Skip Day only skips you for the days you manually select. Pause will place your account on pause until you decide to resume.
You can adjust your order by logging in and selecting “Adjust This Order.” You can adjust your preferences by logging in and selecting “Change Dislikes.” Please do so by 5 PM Wednesday to be effective the following week.
If your meals do not have labels, then we have identified your account as “fully custom” due to your preferences. In order to give you the most variety, we have to create your specific items the day prior. With that being said, we are unable to produce labels for those specific meals (which accounts for only about 2% of our production).
Please either mark off any ingredient items you are allergic to and/or leave notes in the notes section of the ordering process! Feel free to email us TEAM@superfitfoods.co with any allergy questions/concerns.
Whatever you want! They are recyclable and reusable, so either clean them and keep them or donate them locally!
May of 2015 in Lakeland, FL.
Lean Down: 250-350 calories/meal, 4oz protein, 3oz carb, ½ cup veggies
Sustain: 350-450 calories/meal, 5oz protein, 5oz carb, ½ cup veggies
Build Up: 500-600 calories/meal, 7oz protein, 7 oz carbs, ½ cup veggies
Our meal plans are week to week! All we ask is that you submit your cancellation by 5 PM Wednesday.
Email us at TEAM@superfitfoods.co with any information on your potential pick up location, and we will reach out ASAP!
YES! Diets to choose from: Standard, Vegetarian, Vegan, Paleo, Pescatarian. If you are keto/ do NOT want carbs, select “Double veggie/no carb” on your dislikes page of the ordering process. We are fully customizable, so you can mark off any items you do NOT want and/or leave specific notes in the order notes section.
Absolutely not! We only charge you for the meals you want. (:
Absolutely! Please refer to #3
If you choose the shipping option, yes! If you have a large enough organization that would be interested in ordering high volume orders delivered locally, please email: sales@superfitfoods.co
To get meals for the following week, you have to place your order by 6 pm on Friday!
All of our products are hormone and pesticide-free, but they are not all organic. Essentially, it’s the highest quality products you can get at this price point ( :
*This is a subscription service. By placing an order, you agree to purchase a minimum of two weeks’ worth of meals within a 30-day period. If you use a discount code and do not meet this minimum requirement, all orders that received a discount will be charged at full price.
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