October 17, 2017
You Don’t Have To Train For An Ironman, But Let’s Get Moving!
Over two dozen studies have proven that women who exercise are 30 to 40 percent LESS risk of developing breast cancer compared to the sedentary life. The female hormone estrogen seems to play a key role. High levels of estrogen increase breast cancer development, but since exercise lowers blood estrogen, then the risk of breast cancer development also decreases. Exercise also reduces other cancer-growth factors such as insulin.
With more than 150,000 new breast-cancer cases reported in the United States each year, preventing cancer through exercise is one of the best ways a woman can take charge of her health.
Studies from the American Cancer Society discovered…
The ACS (American Cancer Society) recommends aiming for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise weekly. (30 mins – 5 Days/week).
In addition to exercise, take a look at these 5 helpful tips to help prevent breast cancer:
1)Limit alcohol.
The more alcohol you drink, the greater your risk of developing breast cancer.
2) Don’t smoke.
Accumulating evidence suggests a link between smoking and breast cancer risk, particularly in premenopausal women.
3) Breast-feed.
Breastfeeding might play a role in breast cancer prevention. The longer you breastfeed, the greater the protective effect.
4) Limit dose and duration of hormone therapy.
Combination hormone therapy for more than three to five years increases the risk of breast cancer. If you’re taking hormone therapy for menopausal symptoms, ask your doctor about other options. You might be able to manage your symptoms with non-hormonal therapies and medications. If you decide that the benefits of short-term hormone therapy outweigh the risks, use the lowest dose that works for you and continue to have your doctor monitor the length of time you are taking hormones.
5) Avoid exposure to radiation and environmental pollution.
Medical-imaging methods, such as computerized tomography, use high doses of radiation. While more studies are needed, some research suggests a link between breast cancer and radiation exposure. Reduce your exposure by having such tests only when absolutely necessary.
The post Breast Cancer – Let’s Prevent It appeared first on SUPERFIT FOODS.
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