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5 Foods For a Healthy Heart

Brandon Schwartz • February 12, 2018


Your heart is at the very core of your being. It’s the human equivalent of a cell phone’s battery. It runs the show and if it starts losing power and getting run down, a whole myriad of health problems can follow. Cardiovascular health is key to life and to live and thrive you must recharge. Nutrients found in the food you choose to eat, in combination with a healthy lifestyle including exercise that gets your heart pumping, is your charger.

Though there are many foods your body will crave for differing reasons, here are some of the top choices to help support, boost and maintain heart health.

#1 Omega-3’s – Found in foods like Salmon, Omega-3s are a healthy fat. They have been found in numerous studied to reduce the risk of heart problems break the cycle of high blood pressure. They have also shown promise in inflammation reduction. If you aren’t a salmon fan, Omega 3’s can also be found in sardines, tuna, chia seeds, white fish, herring, hemp seeds, egg yolks, cod liver oil, flaxseeds, and walnuts, or taken as a supplement.

#2 Olives and Olive Oil – These are heart healthy anti-oxidants and can also help to lower cholesterol levels.

#3 Walnuts & Almonds –  Just a handful a day walnuts can help reduce inflammation in the arteries of the heart. They may also help lower cholesterol and show positive affects on brain health.

#4 Sweet Potatoes – They have a low glycemic index and don’t cause blood sugar to spike. Filled with vitamins and fiber these sweet treats can be topped with cinnamon for even more of a heart-healthy boost.

#5 Cherries and Oranges – these sweet fruits both pack a wallop of nutritional goodness. Cherries have anthocyanin which are an antioxidant that is believed to protect blood vessels. Oranges are packed with pectin and potassium which have been shown to lower blood pressure and protect cardiovascular health.

Bonus food: One of the healthiest foods you can eat for your heart is good old steel cut or slow cook oatmeal . It supports the heart muscle by helping to lower LDL (bad cholesterol). Slow digesting, it can fill you up for hours and help stave off hunger.

For more ways to live healthfully check back on our blog often! we are always updating it with the most up to date helpful health news available.

Wishing you a happy national heart month!


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